Be the Light; Portrait Session; Northwest Indiana Photographer


Be the Light; Portrait Session; Northwest Indiana Photographer

Choose Light. 

"You are the light of the world.  A town built on a hill cannot be hidden." 

When fear presses in, choose light.  

When darkness creeps in, choose light.  

When valleys come, walk step by step, keep moving forwards to the hill where the light cannot be hidden.  

When hard days come, cling to the light, cling to hope. 

When depression hits, choose light. 

When disappointments linger, choose light. 

When relationships fail, choose light. 

When health declines, choose light. 

When storms are waging, hold on tight dear one, and light a candle, choose light. 

When hearts are heavy, drink deep the light of faith. 

When burdens run deep, choose to trust the light that never fades.  

For light covers darkness, light heals hurts, light restores and redeems, a light on a hill cannot be hidden; light, it is the rescue for our desperate souls. 

Choose light.


The Unexpected Blessing 

I first met Missy at a photography conference last year in Seattle.  We both had traveled there, and happened to end up in one of the same classes.  In time, we discovered that we were both ex gymnasts and now budding photographers.  AND that we had both competed gymnastics at the collegiate level within the MAC conference, AND we both knew my old coach.  Seriously, it was crazy!  We clearly became instant friends, and I have just so treasured getting to know Missy little by little over the course of this past year.  She is everything kind, compassionate and loyal.  She loves her family intensely and gives of herself in radical ways.  She radiates life and hope, and joy simply from chatting with her, as well as her consistent encouragement and support.  She is one of those people you meet, and you can't stop thanking the Lord for His generosity in bringing a person such as Missy into your life.  She truly brings light into the dark spaces.  


Be the Light

I just love that Matthew 5:14 states that a town built on a hill cannot be hidden.  It is such a reminder to me that first off, in life we have to work for things.  This town was built, it took time to cultivate, but it also consisted of people and community.  But, then, they built on a hill.  I can only image the labor that was involved, transporting goods and supplies to built this town, up and down a large hill.  I am sure it was timely, I am sure it was hard, I am sure there was mess involved, and I am sure there were times they wanted to give up.  But, they didn't and once completed, it could not be hidden. It was a beacon of light, a treasured masterpiece to be adored.  And this is the same with Christ.  I sometimes feel like an uphill battle, daily choosing light, but once we experience His presence, His true light, once we remind ourselves of the truth of the gospel, the hope we have access too, well true light abounds, and it cannot be hidden.  The Lord is above all, and in all and through all.  He cannot be hidden, His love and light will radiate far beyond our wildest dreams or imaginations.  So dream big, reach far, run higher than you thought you ever could, because I know that nothing is too big for Him or too far beyond His reach.  So, if you are feeling in darkness, keep walking up that hill sister, for He will meet you at the top of that hill, and He is with you every step of the way as you climb out of the valley.  

And as we discover His light, our only response can be to Be the Light.  To spread hope and love to those around us, and I just LOVE that this is what my friend has decided to do with  a special project within her photography.  She is currently running a project called BE THE LIGHT, where she is offering a free photography session to someone in need.  I think if we each did this, if we each chose ONE way that we could give of ourselves, how much more light we could have in this world?  No doubt we will always have darkness too, for we all struggle with our own things, myself included, but the beauty of it is that we can wake up and remind ourselves that grace exists admits the darkness and the light is still there, the hope is still there.  It never fades.  

So, please check out more of what Missy is doing here:


Accept your Sphere of Influence

So, my friends, may we each remember our sphere of influence.  May we hold tightly to it, and work hard within it.  May we spread the light where we are able, running to Jesus on the hard days, and easy days alike as we desperately need His outpouring and love over us.  May we be quick to listen, slow to speak, and negligent to judge.  May we go first to apologize and may we go first weeding through the darkness in our own hearts so that light truly has a chance to burst through.  For the world is waiting, the world needs more light, the world needs more truth, the world needs more people to stand firm and be the  light.  You are the girl for the job sister.  You've got this! 



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The days are slow, but the impact is eternal; Wilson Family Session; Ft. Worth, Texas


The days are slow, but the impact is eternal; Wilson Family Session; Ft. Worth, Texas

Taking in the slow one bit at a time 

The minutes tick, the seconds slow,

the clock goes round, that which I know. 

The days are hard, 

My patience thin, 

I long to breathe a sigh of relief again. 

My eyes are weary, my heart is worn, 

To be a mother, always torn. 

Torn between seeking relaxation, rest and ease, 

And yet knowing there is a calling much higher than these. 

For little hands and little hearts seek constant attention, constant love, 

Tantrums and selfishness and lessons must begin. 

The days are long, the hours ticking by, 

I see you mama out there, I hear your cries.  

I know the road is lonely, the path is narrow, 

But know that you are worth it, 

Your impact is eternal.  

The hard work you choose, constantly pressing in, pushing past exhaustion, attending to emotional and physical needs, 

It's eternal, the weight important, the cost valuable, the memories irreplaceable. 

So forget not to fight with all you can, all you have within you, to press on dear mama. 

I know the days are long and the hours are ticking by, but you are seen sweet friend, 

Your work is not in vain.  

It is worth it.  Eternity is being invested in. 


Soaking in the Seasons

The Wilson family is one of those families that knows the joys of resting within the slow, soaking in these seasons of the younger years with children, and adjusting to all that is held there.  There is an overwhelming peace about them.  Have they known trials, of course!  But they have also known unspeakable joy.  Lauren is so great at bending of herself to address the needs of her children, and this quiet strength shines through her.  Living in the country themselves, this open space was like their safe haven, their comfort ground.  They were free and in each other's arms and all was well.  From the tender stroking of hair, to joyful dancing, rich love was experienced here, and I was just the joyful bystander.  To witness these moments unfolding before my camera, well it is truly the greatest gift!  May we each take some slower breaths this week, and remember that this gift of family is truly a gift.  Messy and hard, but worth it.  

I hope all of you mothers out there truly know the incredibly impact you are making within your children's lives.  You are rich treasures, far more valuable than you could ever know!! 


Letter to the Wilson Family

You guys, the truest form of love rests within you.  You seek to know and follow the Lord with your heart, and that shines through with your children as well.  A peace falls on you, and there is patience beyond words with your children.  Lauren and Taylor, you put each other first, and that flows over into security and safe affirmation for Emma and Ellie.  There is so much beauty resting within the gentle spaces of your family and it was just a delight to see it unfold before me. 

Lauren- my dear Lauren.  The years we have known together as friends, and your heart has only grown stronger, more compassionate and kind.  You are one of the gentlest, and yet driven women I know.  You seek the Lord with all your heart and leave nothing to waste.  You are head over heals in love with your sweet Taylor and the way you affirm and love him is so beautiful.  You are so patient with your girls, affirming them over and over again, intentional and wise in leading them up in the ways of the Lord.  Your heart grows beyond your years sweet one, and I just cannot believe that I get to call you friend.  Thank you for all these years, and what a joy it is to walk through motherhood together. 

Emma- Oh what a little caretaker you are!  Following in your mamas footsteps.  You love little Ellie so well and she is so lucky to have you as her sister.  You are confident in your own and with a tender heart, you will move mountains one day.  You will be a heart changer sweet one. 

Ellie- So full of adventure and on the move!! I love how little you are and yet it does not stop you one bit!!  Your little smile is so incredibly sweet.  You are so adored by your entire family. They are sure to love and lead you well! 

Taylor- I love how go with the flow you are.  You truly rest in each moment, allowing it to come to you as it may and responding within it.  You are a constant peace for your family to lean into and rely upon.  You love Lauren so so well and that radiates from your relationship.  Your girls are just smitten with you!  You are the best daddy to them!   Thank you so much for the way you serve your family and your community.  It truly does not go unnoticed. 


The days may be slow mamas, but your impact is eternal.  

Ephesians 5:16 "Making the most of every opportunity, for the says are evil."  

Satan is trying to steal your joy, numb your efforts, instill your exhaustion.  But may we endure the fight, pick up our armor and love well, invest well, fight well for these children of ours. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and don't give up dear one.  This journey isn't over yet, and your progress is coming.  Keep fighting dear sister.  

~Rooting for you, 



Always Faithful, Always True; Moren Family; Dallas/Fort Worth Family Photography


Always Faithful, Always True; Moren Family; Dallas/Fort Worth Family Photography

Always Faithful Always True.

Today I woke and feeling of inadequacy was rising high within me. 

The feelings of fear of facing the day ahead. 

Would people accept me?  Would I be rejected once more?

My qualifications versus the world's high standards seemed no match. 

Defeated before I even began.  Sitting in apprehension. 

But as I opened the Word of truth before me, my mind quietly stilled. 

Peace settled within my heart as I read Psalm 35:6

"Your steadfast love, oh Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds."

Yes, the Lord is faithful and true.  His love to the heavens, 

His faithfulness to the clouds. 

The Lord has not left me, He is here, and I am there.  

With Him I am enough, 

With Him I am my truest self, my freest self, my treasured, valued and enough self. 

In Christ, covered by the blood of the Lamb, my inadequacies are not more, my defeat no more. 

For the Lord is faithful.  The Lord conquers all.  The Lord is enough.  And He is in me, and I am in Him. 

And for today, that is enough.  

Always Faithful, Always True, Forevermore I rest in You. 


Inspiring Words to Live By 

I chose to write this poem with images from this gorgeous family, because well, the word Faithfulness describes them so perfectly.  I have known Lindsey from my middle school days.  And even through the time and distance, she remains an incredibly faithful friend.  Always there, always true, and always genuine in every way.  When I found out I was going to get to capture their sweet family within my time in Texas I was overjoyed!!  Because not only does Lindsey have a heart of gold, but her family is one for the books!  

And. as I have watched Lindsey and Grant grow within parenting it has been the most beautiful thing!! Growing in patience and love, adoration and joy.  Of course days are hard and long, but the peace and joy that about are that much sweeter.  The faithfulness they display with their children is unmatched.  Showing up in the best ways to be the best they can, in all the ways they can.  No parents are perfect to be sure, but Lindsey and Grant are incredibly intentional of the time they do have with their girls, and it is encouraging!!  Faithful and true.  Words they too are inspiring so many to live by. .


Letter to the Moren Family

You guys, words cannot even express my gratitude to you all.  You have been our rock, an amazing support system to us throughout the years.  We can go 6 months without chatting and catch up on the phone for an hour and a half, like we hadn't chatted since yesterday.  We truly admire you and feel incredibly blessed to have kept in good relation with you guys.  And parenting, I know it can be crazy hard, but my goodness are you doing a great job!  Your girls are the sweetest things alive and they breathe you both in contagiously.  We love you guys!! 

Lindsey- My dear Lindsey, oh the words I could write.  I have seen you grow into the most beautiful mama.  It has relaxed you in so many ways, as you soak in the treasures and gifts before you.  You take them in for all that they are and you affirm and uplift them.  Both those girls adore you to pieces!  And how Grant STILL lights up when you look at him.  Oh the love between you two!  You are such a treasure Linds!  Always a constant listening ear to come to, a sounding board for encouragement.  Words cannot even express my gratitude to you, or how blessed I am by our friendship. 

Hannah- Full of beauty and light.  You lead well dear girl, taking your sisters hand gently and guiding the way.  You are tender and kind, bringing out the best in others.  You will love and lead well sweet girl.  Continue beating to your own beautiful drum. 

Abigail- What a burst of energy and joy!  You keep your family on their toes for sure, but they wouldn't have it any other way!  Full of excitement and exploration.  You will take on the world and never look back!  Your stoic looks, the way you melt into your daddy's arms, the way you smile at mom, you are something special little one.  Never forget that! 

Grant- Tender and Kind.  Hannah gets a lot of her personality from you.  You are doing such a great job of tenderly loving all your girls.  The way you wrap them in your arms, comforted and held.  You are the safe place for your family to rest, constant and dependable.  You are such a light for Lindsey and a faithful source of love for your family.  Tender and Kind. 


Thank you Thank you Dear Friends!! 

And let's remember our truest form of Faithful and True this weekend. 


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